
About Us

Why Choose TOPHOST?
  • Best hosting provider
  • Award cloud infrastructure
  • Awesome control panels
  • Reference Domain solutions
  • Support Premium 24/7/365
Awesome Staff
Technical support team you will love. Trusted by 12.532+ customers.
Large Infrastructure
12 Datacenters with 270+ servers. Contact us for large scale projects.

Quick about us

Tophost is a leading Irish Web Hosting Company renowned for its reliable and user-friendly services, catering to businesses of all sizes as well as individual users. Established with a mission to provide affordable yet high-quality hosting solutions, Tophost offers a variety of plans including shared hosting, Cloud Hosting and Managed VPS, all backed by exceptional customer support. With a focus on security, speed, and uptime, Tophost utilizes cutting-edge technology and robust infrastructure to ensure seamless performance. Their commitment to empowering clients with the tools needed for online success makes them a preferred choice in the competitive web hosting landscape.